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The Power Of
Your Questions


The Power Of Your Questions

Consider the power of questions in the age-old story of the battle between good and evil.

Biblical writings portray questions engaging humans in this battle.

Questions moved a man and woman to relationally engage, shift perspectives, then act … in line with evil and good.

Evil’s first question: “Did God really say…”

This question engaged humans in a conversation with the devil (evil). It led to truth being twisted and human perspective shifting. Doubts arose in their hearts about the goodness of God and His intentions for them. They turned away from God and acted in opposition to Him.

The result: they felt shame and hid.

Enter God (good). “Where are you?”

Another relational invitation, this time to engage in a conversation that would lead them out of hiding. Again, questions powerfully impacted this woman and man. This conversation led to another shift in their perspective and direction. This time humans moved toward God rather than away. He provided covering and removed their shame. They no longer felt a need to hide.

Questions are powerful.

They invite the human soul to engage, shift perspectives, and act… as seen in the battle between good and evil.

Consider your questions and conversations.

What impact are they having on those around you?

We train coaches and leaders to guide conversations and ask powerful questions where people feel valued and goals get accomplished, faster - in business and life.

I’m wondering… What questions are you asking?

Join a Workshop to experience the power of COSMO. We’ll also help you curate powerful questions to more effectively lead yourself and influence others.
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