97% of coaches & leaders who participated in our certification training said they highly recommend it for anyone!

Our Team

Meet Our Team

Jerri Ann Jensen

Founder & CEO – Executive & Leadership Coach

From the barn room to the boardroom, Jerri Ann has been leading and training for more than 35 years. Training horses from a young age taught her the meaning of facing fears and hard work. Amidst years of leading, coaching, designing transformational training, and now founding a business… she keeps learning and moving forward in the face of fear. Her authentic approach with leaders and learners disarms pretense and invites them to relax, learn, and grow alongside her.

Eric Jensen

Business Advisor – Executive & Leadership Coach

As an executive coach and experienced entrepreneur, Eric Jensen comes alongside leaders as they clarify what outcomes matter to them, develop structures to drive success, and create strategies to overcome obstacles.. Eric has successfully raised over $30MM in investment capital, negotiated and closed multi-million-dollar sales, and was named E&Y Entrepreneur of the Year, and named inventor on 16 patents. By aligning with your strengths, he helps you quickly assess and realign your time and resources to
your highest priorities.

Danielle Kwok (ACC)

Creator, Strengths Coach & Trainer

Danielle has been with the COSMO Advantage team from the beginning! She brings 14 years of professional experience in communication and leadership to the team. She helps individuals and teams in corporate, small business, and nonprofit settings experience more joy where they are and achieve the results they desire. Danielle is our chief graphic designer and believes you can and
should have joy in your day-to-day life,
including your workplace.

Tami Lowman

Lead Trainer & Leadership Coach

Tami has over 30 years of experience leading and training. She began her career in the public education sector as a teacher, leader, trainer, and coach with a passion for implementing research-based best practices to help others grow personally and professionally. She thrives in helping leaders and coaches utilize proven, practical, and adaptive tools to move themselves, their teams, and their organizational mission forward. Tami believes great leaders never stop learning. She considers faith, family, and friends to be her greatest treasures.

Todd Jensen

Fundraising Coach & Trainer

Todd (CFRE) has over 25 years of fundraising experience. He currently serves as the Director of Principal Gifts for the McCombs School of Business at the University of Texas. Throughout his fundraising experiences with missional organizations and higher-ed institutions, Todd has invested time and heart into developing the next generation of fundraisers. Todd’s involvement with COSMO Advantage started from the onset with an investment in capital funds, as well as, roles as gopher and janitor. Todd enjoys cycling and
good dad jokes.

Company Vision

COSMO Advantage Vision & Why

We’re on a mission to help Professional Coaches and Marketplace Leaders more effectively lead themselves and influence everyone they serve.

At COSMO Advantage we understand that coaches and leaders cannot journey to success in a silo. They need meaningful human connection, access to the right support systems and proven methods to achieve their goals.

Our team knows firsthand the painful journey of trying to go it alone while we grasp for the right tools and methods to lead ourselves and help everyone we serve. Which is why we are on a mission to help Professional Coaches and Marketplace Leaders succeed. Our proprietary COSMO Model is central to our training and coaching approach, empowering individuals and organizations to accomplish what matters to them.

We bring a wealth of leadership, business, and training experience to the table, allowing us to establish trust and cultivate strong relationships with our clients. We are dedicated to helping professionals reach their full potential, so they can make a positive impact on the world around them.

We believe that when leaders and coaches transform, the effects are felt throughout their business, organizations and beyond. That's why we are passionate about providing the support, proven methods, and tools needed to help individuals and teams thrive. We hope you’ll join us on our mission to make a difference.


What is COSMO?


COSMO is an acronym for a methodology that codifies all human achievement. Anytime individuals are growing or pursuing goals, these 5 categories - Clarity, Ownership, Structure, Momentum, Outcomes - are at play and need to be given attention.

COSMO was developed by paying attention to patterns found in stories and autobiographies, patterns that demonstrated the ways leaders in history helped their people grow and achieve. Those same patterns exist today. Leaders are still leaders and people are still people. This model has been tested in leadership and coaching circles for 25 years and proven useful for accomplishing anything. So we train leaders & coaches to use it for everything.

Join a COSMO Workshop for Coach’s Join a COSMO Workshop for Leaders

Our Values

Founding Principles

COSMO Advantage Founding & Operating Principles

  • Honor Human Realities
  • Build Trust
  • Simplify Success
  • Grow Authentically
  • Cultivate Joy & Fun

Honoring Your Culture & Values

We are committed to respecting your culture and values. Our training and coaching philosophy is based on the belief that each person is guided by their own set of values and beliefs. Our founding principles and beliefs are influenced by a Judeo-Christian worldview, which informs how our leadership team conducts themselves in all areas of life, including relationships, work, play, and rest. While we are open about our personal beliefs, we do not purposely impose them on our clients during training or coaching sessions. We make every effort to keep learning how we can honor and respect each person’s ethnicity and culture.