97% of coaches & leaders who participated in our certification training said they highly recommend it for anyone!

Grow The Client Impact & Business You Desire

As coaches, we want to lead ourselves effectively and help clients succeed, and it’s painful when we don’t. We need relational support and proven methods to achieve the client impact and business growth we desire.

Many Coaches struggle to succeed because They …

  • Struggle to communicate the value of their coaching

  • Lack confidence and fear failure

  • Need training and support from
    a community

  • Don’t have a proven process to help
    clients get clear and execute

  • Get stuck or lost in conversations

  • Don’t know how to stand out from
    other coaches

Become a guide with a plan.
Having a proven framework can remove the ambiguity from coaching.
You and your clients will share a common language and
increased confidence, joy, and peace.


COSMO Certification Advantages

As a COSMO Certified Leadership Coach you’ll gain...

  • A common language for you and your clients - they’ll go further, faster

  • Tools to communicate the value of your coaching

  • Increased client conversions and lengthened coaching engagements

  • A proven process to help your clients gain insights and execute

  • Practical tools you and your client can use everyday

  • Framework to help you strategize and execute business growth

  • Ability to never get lost or stuck a coaching conversation

  • A learning community committed to supporting one another

When you have a proven method for boosting client impact and business revenue, your own sense of confidence, joy, and peace grows.


Use Cosmo

Use the COSMO Advantage to work
IN your business and ON your business

COSMO training 10-20x'd my investment and results in my business. For all coaches, leaders, business owners and managers, COSMO is a solid way of thinking in regard to almost any issue.

Bill Mason

PCC & Executive Coach

"I LOVE COSMO! It’s a simple way to help my clients get clear, take action, and achieve results! Once you start seeing the world through the COSMO lens, everything changes and you will never go back!"

James Madison

CEO of On Purpose Life

What you’ll Get

As a COSMO Certified Coach, You'll Also Get...

Experiential Professional Development & Materials

  • 27 COSMO illustrations to use with individuals and teams

  • Tools your clients can use use everyday - in business and life

  • Course facilitation designed according best practices
    for adult learning

  • Learning Journal to track the insights and skills you are applying

  • Community of coaches so you never feel alone

  • Neuroscience principles to grow your and and your client’s emotional intelligence and resilience

  • 2 course manuals (more than 450 pages)
    - Filled with case studies
    - Personal applications to help embed learnings

  • Electronic COSMO Goal Tracker to plan and execute your personal goals, and to become a more effective coach for your clients

  • 2 Masterminds geared toward practical client application

  • Practice coaching with COSMO principles during breakouts

  • Opportunity to be coached by colleagues, growing EQ around the “client seat”

  • Dynamic interaction with other seasoned professionals in a collaborative learning environment

  • Wisdom-based understanding for how to help humans grow and achieve in any industry or sector of society

  • Optional one-on-one mentor coaching with facilitators


Credentialed Professional Development & Certifications

  • A COSMO Certified Leadership Coach Badge & Professional Certificate

  • ICF Professional credit hours: 64 CCEs
    (34 Core & 28 Resource Development)

Ongoing Professional Development & Support

  • MasterMinds and training to grow your coaching skills and business

  • Practical, strategies to help you apply content
    with real-life clients

  • Potential for multiple revenue streams - through
    COSMO Advantage Affiliations

  • Access to other coaching products and slide decks to amplify your impact

  • Growing Wisdom-based understanding for how to help humans grow & achieve in any industry or sector of society

  • And so much more


What ADVANTAGES does COSMO offer?

COSMO offers an advantage to Coaches and Clients
because the COSMO Model is...

  • Proven through 25 years of use in leadership and coaching circles

  • Valuable - provides a common language and understanding for you and your clients

  • Simple, yet Expansive enough to be useful in complex organizations

  • Versatile - use it to lead yourself and help others in any setting - in your life, business, schools, faith communities - anywhere they want to get something done or grow.

COSMO is an acronym for a methodology that codifies all human achievement. Anytime individuals are growing or pursuing goals, these 5 categories - CLARITY, OWNERSHIP, STRUCTURE, MOMENTUM, and OUTCOMES - are at play and need to be given attention. COSMO takes the mystery out of what it takes for you and your clients to succeed.


I was blown away after I received the COSMO training manual... I couldn't believe how expansive and timeless the content was. For both my personal and professional development, this training program and framework was life-changing.

Gina Lokken

PCC, GinaMarie Coaching, LLC



Leading & Coaching with the COSMO Advantage

8 weeks of experiential learning

Learn More
Expanding Your COSMO Advantage

6 weeks or a 1-week accelerated experiential learning

Learn More

Get COSMO Certified and join a professional community of like-minded coaches and leaders.

Register Today

Sara’s Business Case Study

These classes are absolutely essential for any leader. You will learn a framework that simply yet powerfully sheds light on the complete process to achieve any desired outcome. This is the best training I have taken in many years. It has changed the trajectory of my personal and professional life. I use it with my clients to help them achieve their goals more quickly and with clear purpose. You do not want to miss this class!

Sara Barber, DVM

Co-Founder, Foundation Livestock Services

“The COSMO Framework freed me and transformed our business! Prior to COSMO, pitching our services to clients was a bit daunting. However, with the help of the COSMO Framework, we boldly pitched a large service agreement that I wouldn’t have had the confidence to present prior: our client gladly accepted! Now we spare no hesitation in sharing our services and have the framework we need to confidently share with prospective clients.“
“I planned our intern’s summer roles and responsibilities using COSMO. COSMO helped me start the process by reviewing each critical factor. This led to a detailed plan to assist our company and our intern to succeed.“
“This framework helped transform my team from just a group of people working in a department to a true team collaborating on ideas and solutions. COSMO has helped us find clarity to nagging issues, identify our true purpose, and propel us forward toward the goals we truly want to achieve. We have also seen greater peace and relationships grow between team members because of this process.“

Want to hear from our current Coaches?


More From Our Current Coaches

COSMO training 10-20x'd my investment and results in my business."

Bill Mason

PCC & Executive Coach

Leadership can be hard. You're often faced with difficult challenges that you've never seen before. Instead of feeling lost and ill equipped, COSMO provides a consistent framework for tackling those challenges with confidence and grace. COSMO is an essential tool
for leaders.

Dr. Kenitra Hendrix

Indiana ADDL & Clinical Professor at Purdue University

COSMO is an intuitive technique that helps leaders influence people and obtain insight. As a coach, I utilize this model as a supplement to my own frameworks and as a separate one to help others grow, develop, and enhance their circles of influence. COSMO training was experiential and provided great peer discussion that aided in learning, understanding, and applying COSMO to varied markets.

Sandra Black

Founder & CEO, Sandra Black Coaching

COSMO is an adaptable framework. As a coach, it helps me take clients through uncomfortable dialogues by clarifying huge concepts or ideas. My husband and I use this approach to future-cast our business, which helps us see important outcomes.

Erin Bader


After 40+ years of research and developing systems for teaching - I found COSMO is, by far, the simplest and most effective approach to coaching and facilitating effective change.

Dr. John Francis

Trauma Center Director, Coach,
and Professor of Clinical Surgery


Who should get COSMO Certified?

This program is for any Professional:

  • Life Coach

  • Leadership Coach

  • HR Leaders

  • Business Coach

  • Advisors

  • Career Counselors

  • Health Coach

  • Consultants

  • Counselors

Whether you aim for a prosperous business or want to improve your leadership skills to help others succeed, this training is the right fit for you!

COSMO is a powerful framework on its own, but it's also a unifying force that brings together other methodologies, systems, and frameworks. In fact, we even use COSMO to enhance personality, communication, and strengths assessments. Check out our gift to you below for an example!


A Gift For You & Your Clients

By helping your clients activate strengths or any professional development assessment, you can empower them to unlock their full potential and next-level success. So why wait? Download the COSMO Strengths Pyramid today and start guiding your clients towards success with more ease and greater speed!


Experience COSMO and the value it will help you bring to everyone you coach or lead.


Our Team

Meet The COSMO Advantage Trainers:

Jerri Ann Jensen

Founder & CEO – Executive & Leadership Coach

From the barn room to the boardroom, Jerri Ann has been leading and training for more than 35 years. Training horses from a young age taught her the meaning of facing fears and hard work. Amidst years of leading, coaching, designing transformational training, and now founding a business… she keeps learning and moving forward in the face of fear. Her authentic approach with leaders and learners disarms pretense and invites them to relax, learn, and grow alongside her.

Eric Jensen

Business Advisor – Executive & Leadership Coach

As an executive coach and experienced entrepreneur, Eric Jensen comes alongside leaders as they clarify what outcomes matter to them, develop structures to drive success, and create strategies to overcome obstacles.. Eric has successfully raised over $30MM in investment capital, negotiated and closed multi-million-dollar sales, and was named E&Y Entrepreneur of the Year, and named inventor on 16 patents. By aligning with your strengths, he helps you quickly assess and realign your time and resources to
your highest priorities.

Danielle Kwok (ACC)

Creator, Strengths Coach & Trainer

Danielle has been with the COSMO Advantage team from the beginning! She brings 14 years of professional experience in communication and leadership to the team. She helps individuals and teams in corporate, small business, and nonprofit settings experience more joy where they are and achieve the results they desire. Danielle is our chief graphic designer and believes you can and
should have joy in your day-to-day life,
including your workplace.

Tami Lowman

Lead Trainer & Leadership Coach

Tami has over 30 years of experience leading and training. She began her career in the public education sector as a teacher, leader, trainer, and coach with a passion for implementing research-based best practices to help others grow personally and professionally. She thrives in helping leaders and coaches utilize proven, practical, and adaptive tools to move themselves, their teams, and their organizational mission forward. Tami believes great leaders never stop learning. She considers faith, family, and friends to be her greatest treasures.