97% of coaches & leaders who participated in our certification training said they highly recommend it for anyone!
COSMO Advantage™ Leadership Training & Coaching Success Stories

Here is what other leaders &
coaches have to say…

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COSMO Certification Training

Sara’s Business Case Study

These classes are absolutely essential for any leader. You will learn a framework that simply yet powerfully sheds light on the complete process to achieve any desired outcome. This is the best training I have taken in many years. It has changed the trajectory of my personal and professional life. I use it with my clients to help them achieve their goals more quickly and with clear purpose. You do not want to miss this class!

Sara Barber, DVM

Co-Founder, Foundation Livestock Services

“The COSMO Framework freed me and transformed our business! Prior to COSMO, pitching our services to clients was a bit daunting. However, with the help of the COSMO Framework, we boldly pitched a large service agreement that I wouldn’t have had the confidence to present prior: our client gladly accepted! Now we spare no hesitation in sharing our services and have the framework we need to confidently share with prospective clients.“
“I planned our intern’s summer roles and responsibilities using COSMO. COSMO helped me start the process by reviewing each critical factor. This led to a detailed plan to assist our company and our intern to succeed.“
“This framework helped transform my team from just a group of people working in a department to a true team collaborating on ideas and solutions. COSMO has helped us find clarity to nagging issues, identify our true purpose, and propel us forward toward the goals we truly want to achieve. We have also seen greater peace and relationships grow between team members because of this process.“
Dr. John Francis

Trauma Center Director, Coach, and Professor of Clinical Surgery

After 40+ years of research and developing systems for teaching - I found COSMO is, by far, the simplest and most effective approach to coaching and facilitating effective change.

Lorraine Richmond

Principal, Lorraine Richmond Leadership Coaching

One strength of The COSMO Framework and the diagrams to explain the model is that it is relevant both to linear and to systems-thinkers … I tend to tune out models that appear to reduce life to “three easy steps.” I didn’t tune out!

As I process COSMO, I’m learning to ask questions that move other “professional thinkers” to action toward their desired outcomes, too. This model has the potential to bridge the communications gap between systems and linear thinkers. Highly recommend The COSMO Training courses!

Tom Morley

COSMO Certified Leadership Coach, WeAlign

I use the COSMO framework to help me choose and commit to goals; also for acquiring insight into my present realities and resources.

Bill Graybill

D.Min., CPCC, Thrive on Purpose Life Coaching

The COSMO Framework has been a breakthrough tool for my coaching clients. Having a visual model has enabled them to examine “what needs to happen?” objectively and with amazing clarity and ownership of their next powerful action. It’s a wonderful tool for getting unstuck and for moving forward. Using the COSMO as a coach has been easy, and fun, and added a fantastic return on investment in the coaching relationship.

Sandra Black

Founder & CEO, Sandra Black Coaching

COSMO is an intuitive technique that helps leaders influence people and obtain insight. As a coach, I utilize this model as a supplement to my own frameworks and as a separate one to help others grow, develop, and enhance their circles of influence. COSMO training was experiential and provided great peer discussion that aided in learning, understanding, and applying COSMO to varied markets.

Mark Richardson

Correctional Chaplain & Pastor, Celebrate Recovery

In my role as a Correctional Chaplain and Pastor, I consistently use the COSMO Framework and illustrations to help inmates grow and develop. I’m truly grateful for what I’ve learned about myself and others using the COSMO Framework. I will continue using this framework for all of my endeavors and continue enrolling in VitalStrengths Coaching & Training programs so I can better serve my family and community.

Sheryl Bullock

Life/Business Coach,

Whether it’s for me personally or a client, this tool is invaluable and I’ve put it to use with great success already. I believe the application of this course will be strategic in the lives of clients and bring great value to your coaching abilities.

Gina Lokken, PCC

Director of Advancement, VitalStrengths Coaching

I’ve used the COSMO model to increase team and relationship engagement, time and time again. In order to provide more value to your customers and/or company, the COSMO Framework is an excellent choice. It’s useful for everyone who needs to rethink their approach to problems big and small. It’s a way to go from your current situation to the one you desire with more ease and less resistance (relationally and organizationally).

Dan Bakker

Co-Founder, Foundation Livestock Services

We wanted a better way to evaluate company and client opportunities. Using COSMO reduces miscommunications and reworking mistakes, accelerating ongoing progress. COSMO has helped clarify each person’s perspective and problem-solving approach. Simply put, it’s the gift that keeps on giving.

James Madison

Founder & CEO, On Purpose Life

After seeing the world through the COSMO lens, you will never go back. The COSMO Framework brings order and harmony to my personal and professional conversations, processes, relationships, and development. Giving clients and myself a method to influence, contribute value, explore meaningful pursuits, and boost consistency and repeatability in outcomes. COSMO combines effortlessly with my coaching style and impacts my whole life (personal, professional & spiritual).

Melissa Breyette

Life & Leadership Coach and Founder, Flourish Coaching

I sought COSMO training to improve my abilities and help my clients, but I’ve found its uses are unlimited. It’s excellent for anyone who desires to grow. COSMO outlines the five elements of human achievement. COSMO is worth the investment since it’s wisdom-based and adaptable. Don’t miss out on a tool framework that works with all your other tools.


Leader & Team Training


Brian Morgan

Co-owner of The Furniture Malls
& Couch Potatoes

  • “The COSMO training we received changed the game for me and our leadership team. I can’t think of a better way you could equip yourself and your leaders for success.”

  • Our company’s leadership team is comprised of rookies and seasoned veterans. In addition to varied experiences, we have a multi-state, multi-language work family from factory workers to c-level leaders. Every week there were new faces and necessary pivots. New strategies for succeeding were written and erased constantly.

  • Communication pipelines and goal-setting structures were all over the place. The countless attempts at creating goals seemed helpless at times. Sometimes, the goals we’d launch wouldn’t even make it past varied leaders because they were too complex and lacked a clear path for creating ownership.

  • I knew we had problems. Regardless, we needed to grow 200% in every area of the business. We needed a solution to launch our daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly goals to the company and a way for any Furniture Mall family member to catch on to our vision.

  • I knew we needed clear language to understand where we were going, what is most important today, and the ability to communicate that to everyone in the company no matter the curveball that was thrown our way.

  • We didn’t have a solution until we found COSMO through
    the COSMO Advantage team.

  • We hosted a one-day COSMO Advantage experience for 35 leaders and leaders-in-training. In 7 hours, we were guided through a profound thinking model that can be grasped by all employees, whether they are onboarding on day one or in their 30th year of business.

  • COSMO helped even my janitor know where we are taking the business and what ownership he has in that process. Our employees are feeling feel heard and appreciated in all new ways. They are understanding how vital their roles are to make this company succeed.

  • The approach the COSMO Advantage team trained us in was so unique – they took each of us through a personal goal-setting session. They helped us apply this leadership model to our wants and dreams for our personal life and then transferred that same process over to the business.

  • I can’t think of a better way to equip your leaders for success than the COSMO training.

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1-on-1 Coaching

Dan’s Leadership Case Study

"Gaining more understanding of how to leverage my strengths and more self-awareness around my blind spots has helped me produce maximum results for our team.
I utilize lessons I learned from my time with Jerri Ann on a DAILY BASIS."

Dan Bolsen

Chief Development Officer,
College of Pharmacy,
Purdue University

“In fact, on each employees’ first day of work, they take the strengths test. We immediately begin having conversations around our strengths and weaknesses. This empowers us to know how we can work together and understand each other from Day One.”
“I utilize lessons I learned from my time with Jerri Ann on a daily basis. We worked together as I was transitioning to my first mid-management role at Purdue University. Gaining more understanding of how to leverage my strengths and more self-awareness around my blind spots has helped me produce maximum results for our team. I’ve used the learnings I gained from coaching in hiring team members, and in helping us keep balanced and performing at optimum levels.”
“The results have spoken for themselves. Two recent hires are performing at a high-level just six months into their employment with us. I credit our strengths-related work as providing a stable foundation for all of the additional training we do together. I tailor-make my training, as best I can, to fit team members’ strengths. I strongly recommend you and your organization consider working with Jerri Ann.”
Alice Matagora

National Leader Development Initiative Program Coordinator, The Navigators

Being coached through my strengths and talents by Jerri Ann has given me a vision for my best contribution to the workplace. Rather than lead out of a profile of who I thought a leader was supposed to be, she has helped me to lead more confidently out of my strengths and design, and just as important, to understand where my blind spots are. As a result, I have been able to more strategically focus my contribution on what I naturally do well and lean on the strengths of my team to cover my blind spots.

Mark Case, PhD

Founding Partner, Invita Consulting

The best kind of coaching is a unique blend of compassionate curiosity with clear-eyed, practical insight. Jerri exemplifies this masterfully in her coaching. Over the last several years I’ve watched her provide tremendous benefit to the complex organizational world of nonprofits. Whether working with leaders, field directors, or volunteers, she does an exceptional job of getting to the root of people’s concerns or issues and providing invaluable help with effective steps forward. I can’t imagine a better coach for your organization.

Lindy Black

Associate U.S. Director, The Navigators

Jerri Ann is a truth speaker and trust is built on the foundation of truth. As a person who can bring perspective, the right questions, and strategic input, Jerri Ann is the real deal.

Jerri Ann has both brought wisdom and discernment to processes in our organization. Her ability to see reality and coach the future can be an asset to any movement or organization.

Dave Mead

CEO, WeAlign Coaching Firm

I experience Jerri Ann as a coach who is a gifted listener with incredible insights into helping others succeed in their design and purpose in life. She quickly establishes rapport, provides clarity, and helps clients move forward. If you want to be true to yourself, feel fully alive, and achieve more than you ever have before, get with Jerri!

Andrew Patton

Director of Ministries, Covenant Church

Jerri Ann’s ability to listen, ask timely and probing questions, be present with me in the moment, and encourage me along the way, has led to a clear picture of where I want to be vocationally and empowered me to take specific steps toward making this vocational picture a reality. Additionally, I am more confident as a leader to take greater risks in my communication with others to see them grow and develop. This is an encouraging process!

Jyl Hutchins

Pre-Service Manager, Optum

Due to the meaningful impact of Jerri Ann’s leadership on my life years ago, I hired her as a coach. My relationship with her has been one of the most impactful in my life. I left each coaching session excited and eager to learn more about myself and my potential as a leader. One thing I appreciated the most about our time together was how each conversation provided time for reflection as well as information on how to practically utilize the knowledge gained in day-to-day interactions. As a result, I have been able to build trusting relationships with my staff and have meaningful conversations around growth and development.

Shayna Wildermuth

Collegiate Director, Build a Better Us

My goal with strengths coaching was to unapologetically offer my talents to the world. Coaching with Jerri has done just that! I now have greater self-awareness and can effectively lead and make decisions out on my strengths.

Jerri is very skilled at questioning, asking, and guiding people into important self-discovery on their leadership journey. Through her coaching, I gained confidence in my decision-making and a greater understanding of how I lead most effectively. I also became more empowered to make my business and leadership dreams a reality.

Dan Bolsen

Chief Development Officer, College of Pharmacy, Purdue University

I utilize lessons I learned from my time with Jerri Ann on a daily basis. Gaining more understanding of how to leverage my strengths and more self-awareness around my blind spots has helped me produce maximum results for our team. I’ve used the learnings I gained from coaching in hiring team members, and in helping us keep balanced and performing at optimum levels…. I strongly recommend you and your organization consider working with Jerri Ann.

Megan Calabrese

Atlanta City Director, The Navigators

Jerri’s coaching was transformational to both my personal and professional life. She did an amazing job helping me to unpack, understand and embrace my talents. The questions and deep insight she gave helped me learn how to begin to utilize the talents I have in order to maximize my leadership.

Tara Chamberlain

Minneapolis City Staff Trainer, The Navigators

At a critical time of transition in my leadership position, Jerri Ann helped me gain a deeper understanding of my impact and gifting. It enabled me to step more confidently into my leadership role and to operate from a healthier place. It was a necessary step in my growth as a leader and greatly benefitted our team.

D.G. Elmore

Chairman, Elmore Companies, Inc.

Jerri brings incredible insight and wisdom to all coaching situations. She is able to quickly build trust and speak into situations for the mutual benefit of the individual and the organization.

Kendra Goering

Collegiate Director - Chicago, The Navigators

Receiving coaching from Jerri Ann was so impactful that upon finishing my introductory sessions, I immediately referred my team members to her! Jerri offers deeply insightful and thoughtful coaching that brought me and those whom I lead great practical clarity to our individual roles, as well as, great relational understanding that then benefited our organization as a whole. Understanding my personal strengths through coaching sessions with Jerri gave me great freedom in my work and personal life to live out of those strengths and enable those I lead to do the same.

Jason Hess

Campus Director - Texas Tech, The Navigators

I certainly have a deeper understanding of my talents and how they impact my work and leadership. Jerri Ann helped me lay a foundation of awareness that will continue to help me assess my future opportunities and guide career decisions. Her questions in helping me sort through my strengths and how they impact my daily life and decisions were invaluable.

Caleb Quinones

Entrepreneur, Honest Travel

As an entrepreneur, I am constantly overwhelmed by the number of responsibilities and roles I am forced to juggle. Jerri’s coaching brought specific, focused wisdom and showed me how I ought to think about my best contribution to the company I am building. Her actionable insights and meaningful questions pushed me into a robust understanding of what I do best in the world and who I should find to help me do it. The investment of time with Jerri as my coach has already paid dividends as I start and run my business. I would recommend her strengths coaching to anyone who wants to maximize their impact as a leader.